
In the Helicopter Hangar in Hall B5, visitors will find new and proven helicopter models of various (size) categories and application / mission categories. Helicopter manufacturers and dealers, helicopter operators and service providers as well as suppliers for helicopter operations will be presenting themselves.

With their unique flight characteristics, helicopters are indispensable tools and an important part of general aviation. 

Helicopters help security authorities to fight crime, search for and rescue people in emergency situations on mountains and at sea, transport seriously injured people to hospital as quickly as possible, transport pilots onto ships, support the maintenance of offshore wind farms, inspect railroad lines, pipelines and overland lines and fly heavy loads to construction sites with pinpoint accuracy and without the need for complex ground infrastructure.

The German Helicopter Association (DHV) has been involved in the AERO for years with a joint stand and organizes, among other things, a comprehensive conference accompanying the trade fair as part of the Heli-Forum, which is dedicated exclusively to topics relating to rotorcraft.

I'll be happy to help you!

Julia Albrecht
Project Manager Exhibitors

The lecture program at the Helicopter Hangar Stage in Hall B5

Wednesday 04/09/2025
Wednesday 04/09/2025
2:30 pm until
3:00 pm
Innovative Luftmobilität (Innovative Air Mobility, IAM) mit Drehflüglern (rotorcraft) und senkrecht start- und landefähigen Luftfahrzeugen (VTOL-capable aircraft, VCA)
Wednesday 04/09/2025
3:00 pm until
3:30 pm
European Rotorcraft Women – Die Initiative für Diversität in der Hubschrauberbranche

Referenten: Dr. Frank Liemandt, Katrin Mayrhofer

Thursday 04/10/2025
Thursday 04/10/2025
11:00 am until
12:00 pm
Karriere machen im Heli Bereich – Geht das? Die DHV Unternehmen stellen sich vor

Referenten: Dr. Frank Liemandt, Heli NRW, Heli-Flight, Heli Trans Air, Hilsboro, tbs.

Thursday 04/10/2025
1:00 pm until
2:00 pm
Bin ich fit für die Flugsaison 2025? Resilienz und Single Pilot Resource Management für Pilot:Innen
Thursday 04/10/2025
2:00 pm until
3:00 pm
Haftung und Versicherung von Piloten und Betreibern anhand von aktuellen Beispielen

Referent: Stefan Hinners, Fachanwalt Versicherungsrecht, Spezialist für Luftfahrtrecht, CPL-IR / MEP / FI  / Flugprüfer

Thursday 04/10/2025
3:00 pm until
4:00 pm
Rainer Wilke: Mein Pilotenleben – Vorstellung der Autobiographie und Signierstunde

Referent: Rainer Wilke

Moderator: Volker Thomalla

Thursday 04/10/2025
4:00 pm until
5:00 pm
Paneldiskussion zum Thema: Gestaltung der Zusammenarbeit von Hubschraubern und Drohnen an BOS-Einsatzstellen
Friday 04/11/2025
Friday 04/11/2025
10:00 am until
11:00 am
Heliport and Helideck Lighting: Regulations and Applications - A lecture by Jep Giltay (Holland Aviation BV)
Friday 04/11/2025
11:00 am until
12:00 pm
Innovative Luftmobilität (Innovative Air Mobility, IAM) mit Drehflüglern (rotorcraft) und senkrecht start- und landefähigen Luftfahrzeugen (VTOL-capable aircraft, VCA)
Friday 04/11/2025
1:00 pm until
2:00 pm
Bin ich fit für die Flugsaison 2025? Resilienz und Single Pilot Resource Management für Pilot:Innen
Friday 04/11/2025
2:00 pm until
3:00 pm
Abgehoben – der Hubschrauber Podcast – Das Pilotenmindset. Was macht einen guten Piloten aus?
Friday 04/11/2025
3:00 pm until
4:00 pm
Rainer Wilke: Mein Pilotenleben – Vorstellung der Autobiographie und Signierstunde

Referent: Rainer Wilke

Moderator: Volker Thomalla

Saturday 04/12/2025
Saturday 04/12/2025
11:00 am until
12:00 pm
Karriere machen im Heli Bereich – Geht das? Die DHV Unternehmen stellen sich vor

Referenten: Dr. Frank Liemandt, Heli NRW, Heli-Flight, Heli Trans Air, Hilsboro, tbs.

Saturday 04/12/2025
12:00 pm until
12:30 pm
European Rotorcraft Women, eine neue Initiative für die Helibranche

Referenten: Katrin Mayrhofer, COO Elsa Industry, Dr. Frank Liemandt und Gäste

Saturday 04/12/2025
12:30 pm until
1:00 pm
Berufliche Perspektiven in der Helikopter-Industrie - Ein Vortrag von Rolf Heuberger (Swiss Helicopter AG)
Saturday 04/12/2025
2:00 pm until
3:00 pm
Heliport and Helideck Lighting: Regulations and Applications - A lecture by Jep Giltay (Holland Aviation BV)
AERO Friedrichshafen 2025