Prof. Dr. Lars Enghardt

Director of the Institute
DLR - Institut für Elektrifizierte Luftfahrtantriebe

About me

Lars Enghardt joined the Institute of Propulsion Technology of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Berlin in 1997. In 2009, he was appointed as Professor for the Chair of Turbomachinery- and Thermoacoustics at the Technical University of Berlin, simultaneously with the leadership of the DLR Department of Engine Acoustics. Since 2020, he is building up a new DLR Institute, dedicated to Electrified Aero Engines, at the city of Cottbus. In 2023, he was appointed as Professor for the Chair of Electrified Aero Engines at the Brandenburg Technical University in Cottbus connected with the Directorship of the new DLR Institute of Electrified Aero Engines.