81 Hit(s)
Martin Peschke
Peschke Luftfahrtversicherungen

Rolf Stuber
Smartflyer AG
Smartflyer AG

Dr.sc. Holger Kuhn
Deputy Head of TD3 - Data & Power Networks Senior Expert Fuel Cell
ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research GmbH
ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research GmbH
Dr. Fabian Baier
Research Assistant, Project Manager
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Dr. Ludwig Jörissen
Head of Fuel Cell Fundamentals
Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
Uwe Nortmann
Test Pilot
Elektra Solar GmbH
Elektra Solar GmbH

Dr. Helmut Kühnelt
Senior Research Engineer / Thematic Coordinator "Hybrid Electric Aircraft Technologies - Energy storage"
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Center for Transport Technologies
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Center for Transport Technologies

Gregor Müller
MD Aircraft GmbH
MD Aircraft GmbH

Joachim Geiger
CEO / Managing Director
Geiger Engineering GmbH
Geiger Engineering GmbH

Konstantin Hadrossek
Managing Director
Landing Site Company Ltd. Kempten-Durach
Landing Site Company Ltd. Kempten-Durach

Akshay Deshmane
Research Assistant
University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich
University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich

Ignacio Echavarria Diaz-Guardamino
CTO / Head of Engineering
Dovetail Electric Aviation
Dovetail Electric Aviation

Philip Kingsley-Dobson
Founder / CEO

Dr.-Ing. Wilm Friedrichs
Head of Aerodynamics & Aircraft Design
ZAV Centre for Aviation at the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
ZAV Centre for Aviation at the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
David Smith
President and CEO
Robinson Helicopter Company
Robinson Helicopter Company
Frank Woidich
Sales-/support manager senior
Garrecht Avionik GmbH
Garrecht Avionik GmbH

Herr Prof.Dr.-Ing Rainer Klein
Transferzentrum Sensorik & Neue Technologien
Transferzentrum Sensorik & Neue Technologien

Stiftung Mayday
Peer Support Team
Stiftung Mayday
Stiftung Mayday

BSc MSc Sebastian Neudorfer
General Manager
Quest Aeronautics GmbH
Quest Aeronautics GmbH

Christian Grim
General Manager
Bosch General Aviation Technology GmbH
Bosch General Aviation Technology GmbH

Bernd Heuberger
Head of Department for Training and Further Education, Flight Safety and Sports
Aviation Association of Baden-Württemberg e.V.
Aviation Association of Baden-Württemberg e.V.
Florian G. Hose
Representative of the State Aviation Authority, Regional Council Darmstadt
Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt
Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt

Diana Siegel
Nik Šalej
LX navigation d.o.o.
LX navigation d.o.o.

Rainer Krumm
Managing Director
axiocon GmbH
axiocon GmbH
Paul Sherry
Flight Instructor & Examiner
PPL/IR Europe
PPL/IR Europe

Timothy Nathan
Board Member
PPL/IR Europe
PPL/IR Europe

Herwart Goldbach
Organizer General Aviation Academy - Speaker - Moderator

Sebastian Thoma
Managing Director
ATCpilot Aviation GmbH
ATCpilot Aviation GmbH

Dr. Andreas Bodén
PowerCell Group
PowerCell Group

Prof. Dr. Mirko Hornung
Vorstand Wissenschaft und Technik
Bauhaus Luftfahrt e. V.
Bauhaus Luftfahrt e. V.
Bertram Janus
Head of the Combustion Chamber Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR) / Institute of Propulsion Technology.
German Aerospace Center (DLR) / Institute of Propulsion Technology.

Nicola Flury

Prof. Dr. Johannes Paulus
Professor and Dean of Mechanical Engineering at THWS, Head of the Hydrogen Technology, Energy, and Thermal Engineering Laboratory
Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences
Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences

Dr.-Ing. Timm Preusser
Head of Training
FTA Flugtraining Aschaffenburg GmbH
FTA Flugtraining Aschaffenburg GmbH
Mikaël Cardinal
Vice President of Program Management – Organ Delivery Systems
Unither Bioelectronic
Unither Bioelectronic

Dr. Tine Tomažič
Director of Engineering & Programs, Chief Technology Officer Pipistrel

Jens Jürgensen
Branch manager
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH

Dipl.-Ing. Phillip Scheffel
Founder & CEO

Prof. Dr. Josef Kallo
Co-Founder & CTO

Christoph Vieregge
Portfoliomanager Wildfire Detection und Drone Services
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
Lieutenant Colonel (General Staff) Marco Kiesel
Coordinator for the Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg) in the National Airspace Security Operations Center
German Armed Forces
German Armed Forces
1.Polizeihauptkommissar Dirk Hasenau
Coordinator for the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) in the National Airspace Security Operations Center
Andreas Krebber
Coordinator for Air Traffic Control in the National Airspace Security Operations Center
DFS German Air Navigation Services
DFS German Air Navigation Services

Dr. Rittmar von Helmolt
Technology Management
FCT Sweden AB
FCT Sweden AB
Timo Blunck
Aviation / ATM security Expert

Lukas Weber
FVK Clerk
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH
Christian Schappert
Frequency Allocations and Inspections
Federal Network Agency
Federal Network Agency

Stefan Hinners
Brüggemann & Hinners
Brüggemann & Hinners

Prof. Dr. Lars Enghardt
Director of the Institute
DLR - Institut für Elektrifizierte Luftfahrtantriebe
DLR - Institut für Elektrifizierte Luftfahrtantriebe
Michał Zienkiewicz
CEO and DTO representative
Westwings Poznań
Westwings Poznań
Frank Dörner
Attorney at Law
air-law.de | Dörner & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte
air-law.de | Dörner & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte

Prof. Dr. Alexander Knoll
Professor of Flight Control and Aircraft Systems
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Dr. med Hiltrud Garthe
AntiDoping Referentin

Rachel McKay
Partner - Asset Management & Appraisal
McXperts Aviation Advisory & Appraisal
McXperts Aviation Advisory & Appraisal

Dr. Thomas Wetter
Customer Service Representative
German Weather Service (DWD)
German Weather Service (DWD)

Patrick Lienhart
Pilot, Co-Founder

Michael Noll
SkySkills Academy GbR
SkySkills Academy GbR

Achim Friedl
Board Member
German Helicopter Association
German Helicopter Association

Jan-Eric Putze
Droniq GmbH
Droniq GmbH

Alexander Tummes
Director Aviation Consulting & Training
Droniq GmbH
Droniq GmbH

Nicolas Koch
Business Development & Sales Manager
Droniq GmbH
Droniq GmbH

Phil Stephan
Senior PR Manager
Droniq GmbH
Droniq GmbH

Tim Pittelkow
Deputy Head of Training and Chief Flight Instructor
Police Aviation Squadron North Rhine-Westphalia
Police Aviation Squadron North Rhine-Westphalia

Mark Lawson
Planer für Wasserstofflösungen
e-con AG
e-con AG
Dr. Christoph Allig
System Engineer for Sensor Data Fusion
Hensoldt Sensors GmbH
Hensoldt Sensors GmbH
Yannick Schwartzenbart
Head of Program Industrialization
Beyond Aero
Beyond Aero

Rolf Heuberger
CEO / Accountable Manager
Swiss Helicopter AG
Swiss Helicopter AG

Linda Kotzur
SkySkills Academy
SkySkills Academy

Stefan Langer
Creator/ Engineer

Dr. Björn Nagel
Direktor DLR Institut für Systemarchitekturen in der Luftfahrt
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Axel Schober
Autonom Elektrisch Fliegen
Martin Held
HERO.aero GmbH
Carsten Konzock
Federal Aviation Office
Jens Schulte
Stadt Leonberg

Diana Drees
Apfelkuchen Flugzeugbau

Katherine Moloney
Elevate(her) Aviation
Elevate(her) Aviation

Armin Schmid
Head of Project Development Photovoltaics
Windpower GmbH
Windpower GmbH
Christoph Schäper
Air Energy
Jep Giltay
Holland Aviation BV
Holland Aviation BV

Joe Diebolder
Boeing 747-8 Pilot
Flywithcaptainjoe + Cargolux
Flywithcaptainjoe + Cargolux