Heliport and Helideck Lighting: Regulations and Applications - A lecture by Jep Giltay (Holland Aviation BV)

Friday 04/11/2025
10:00 am - 11:00 am
AERO Conference Stage Heli Forum B5

Regulations and applications of heliport and helideck lighting, with a focus on differences between CAP 437 and ICAO Annex 14 vol. 2. And compliance when designing and manufacturing lighting by Holland Aviation.


Jep Giltay
Holland Aviation BV

This event takes place on the following dates:

04/11/2025, 10:00 am - 11:00 am AERO Conference Stage Heli Forum B5
04/12/2025, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm AERO Conference Stage Heli Forum B5

Daily Programm, Vortrag, Technology, Helicopter

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