4 Seat Certified Fixedwing eAircraft on Final

Wednesday 04/09/2025
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm
AERO Conference Stage Foyer East

Topics of this Panel will be: 

  1. Liaoning GA Rx4e  - The worlds first certified part 23 aircraft  a World Premiere at AERO -> Speaker: TBC
  2. Smartflyer – Part 23 Four seat eAircraft from Switzerland -> Speaker: Rolf Stuber (CTO Smartflyer)
  3. Diamond Aircraft  - The eDA 40 from Europs largest GA Manufacturer - A product Update -> Speaker: Maarten Frijling (Project Manager at Diamond Aircraft)
  4. ALPHAFROG eG4 - Development of a new intelligent 4-seat hybrid electric aircraft for the upcoming FAA MOSAIC LSA class -> Speaker: Marco Hirsch (CEO ALPHAFROG)

Daily Programm, Vortrag, Sustainable Aviation, Research & Development, E-Flight

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Referenten: Katrin Mayrhofer, COO Elsa Industry, Dr. Frank Liemandt und Gäste